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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay

From reading Of Mice and Men sections one and two we know that George and Lennie’s relationship is a bit confusing as George mainly covers Lennie’s back. We also see that George can put Lennie down at times when George is annoyed at Lennie. Although from reading section three I can tell that their relationship is slowly becoming closer and a kinder one. Firstly, George is starting to make Lennie seem a little happier and to show him that he is not all bad at things. We can see this on page 43, line 4, ‘he’s sure of a good worker. Strong as a bull.’ This shows that George is at least trying to make Lennie feel good about himself. Another example of this can be seen again on page 43, line 11,’ he can do anything you tell him, said George. He’s a good skinner.’ This quote could mean that George really does deep down love Lennie as a friend. Secondly, the other hand George can be harsh to Lennie on the odd occasion where George is trying to be funny. A quote for this can be found on page 45, line 5,’ I wasn’t kicked in the head with no horse, was I, George? Be a darn good thing if you was, George said viciously. Save ever’ body or hell of a lot of trouble.’ We can tell from this that George tries to make himself laugh by saying bad things about Lennie. Thirdly, Lennie seems that he does not really seem to make a matter of that he is being treated badly by George sometimes. We can see this on page 43, line 7, ‘George scowled at him, and Lennie dropped his head in shame.’ This shows that he is upset by how he drops his head but doesn’t say anything back to try and defend himself. Shows that he is getting bullied by George a bit. Fourthly and finally another way their relationship builds up is how they always dream of the future and how they both want the best for each other also how they sort of know that it will be all good. I’m guessing that they will talk about the future a couple more times later on in the book. So from reading section 3 we can see that their relationship is very slowly getting better and their bond is getting tighter but George sometimes slows the relationship down, but can say good and positive things about Lennie on the odd occasion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Case Studies – Answers to the Questions B2B Marketing Managers

Case Studies – Answers to the Questions B2B Marketing Managers At Savvy B2B Marketing, we thrive on different perspectives and new ideas, which is why we are thrilled to welcome today's guest blogger, Casey HIbbard, also known as the queen of case studies. In her blog – Stories that Sell – Casey shares success-story marketing best practices. More fantastic guests are planned for the weeks ahead, so stay tuned. Customer case studies are high-value, in-demand marketing and sales collateral. Marketing teams are tasked with producing powerful stories, yet it’s not always easy.Classroom I work with all types of marketers, from those new to case studies to seasoned veterans. The same questions come up again and again. Here are marketers’ top questions – and some answers – on creating and managing case studies: 1. How do we get customers to participate? Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It comes down to finding the wi n-win opportunity with every customer that you want to feature. Brainstorm with internal colleagues close to the customer about possible motivators. Does the company want to tell a certain story right now?Does your individual contact want PR internally for bringing about successful outcomes? Then discuss your ideas candidly with the customer. From there, create a customized joint promotional plan or agreement that meets both your needs and the customer’s objectives. 2. How long does it take to produce a case study? The clock starts when you interview the customer. If everything goes relatively smoothly, an approximately two-page case study or success story takes about one month to complete, on average. If your contact is responsive and has the authority to approve your story, then the process can be done in a couple of weeks.But if multiple people are reviewing and approving it, it can take months, worst case. Always start well ahead of any trade shows or sales opportunities to ensure you get the story you need. 3. How do we get measurable results? To draw measurable results out of happy customers, you have to get very specific internally and with featured customers. Identify what metrics mean the most to your prospects, and areas where current customers typically see results. Craft interview questions accordingly, making sure to ask before-and-after questions (how much time did a process take compared to now? . Walk customers through each area of potential benefit because most haven’t stopped to quantify yet. Negotiate with customers on what metrics they are willing to share and how. You may have a specific way that you'd like to represent ROI, but your customer isn't comfortable with that. Your customer might be more willing to talk in percentages or in factors of (twice as, one-third of†¦ ) instead of in dollar amounts. 4. How long should my case study or success story be? The length of your customer story depends on your audience and the point in the sales cycle.The goal: Answer the prospect’s questions and objections at the right time. As a general rule, business decision-makers prefer shorter overviews (1-2 page success stories) that focus on business results. And perhaps early on, technology decision-makers appreciate that briefer overview. But as they get further along in the evaluation process, IT people in particular, and sometimes department/division managers, want more details (case studies of 2+ pages) about factors such as implementation, customizability, ease of use/maintenance, functionality and support.Technology folks also tend to want more candid stories that include lessons learned. These are the questions I hear most. What are your top questions and challenges when it comes to case studies? About the author: Casey Hibbard is author of the book, â€Å"Stories That Sell: Turn Satisfied Customers into Your Most Powerful Sales ; Marketing Asset† and principal of Compelling Cases Inc. She also writes the Stories That Sell blog.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Breastfeeding Is Better Than Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding has existed since humans have inhabited the earth. Depending on the time period you lived, it could have also been considered either good or bad to breastfeed. Throughout history there have been three primary ways to feed an infant; breastfeeding, bottle and formula and wet nursing. Breastfeeding through time has remained the medically preferred method of infant feeding. (1) For as long as breastfeeding has been around, bottle feeding has been in existence as well. 4000 years old clay†¦ Feeding a new life Breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed a baby. Typically breastfeeding is done in the early years of childhood, after the mother gives birth, her breast begin to produce breastmilk. It provides babies with the necessary nutrients. â€Å"While breastfeeding may not seem like the right choice for every parent it is the best choice for every baby.† (Amy Spangler). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life†¦ breast-feed or formula-feed their babies. Breast feeding dates back to eighteen hundred BC in Greek culture where wet nurses came about as women hired to feed another woman’s child. Formula feeding did not come to light until two hundred years after which then led to a â€Å"refined and hygienic† bottle in the industrial ages (Stevens). While both have advantages and disadvantages, breastfeeding has shown to be more beneficial for mother and child. Although some may argue the contrary, breastfeeding is an overall†¦ Breastfeeding v. Formula Feeding Mothers have been breastfeeding their children for hundreds of years. In these times bottle feeding is being looked at as a more convenient and easier way to feed the baby. Bottle Feeding is neglecting a child of the important vitamins and nutrients it takes to thrive in the world. Breastfeeding is the best natural choice for mothers to do for their babies. They need to proteins in the milk that helps them form a defense against the diseases that plague this†¦ Before I begin with my explicit thoughts on breastfeeding, I must be blunt and state that it is my opinion that all women should have the right to choose what is right for them, their family, and their lifestyle when it comes to breastfeeding or bottle feeding. I believe that this is a very personal decision that has no â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong† answer. As long as your baby is gaining weight, healthy, and happy, I think that whatever you are doing is perfectly acceptable. First, I will begin with what†¦ Breast Feeding, Better then Formula A woman is sitting at her house trying to watch television, with one of her breast exposed, and a pair of lips sucking on the nipple. While many people may view these words as sexual in nature, reminiscent of some long ago date, it is actually describing something innocent and natural for humans to do, the breastfeeding of an infant. The NRDC or Natural Resources Defense Council states in their online article Benefits of Breastfeeding that babies are â€Å"delicate†¦ on discussing the differences between breastfeeding and the formula. I also wanted to go over briefly about the discussion we had about understanding that any punishment from the parent will not change a child’s behavior. To begin with, there are a few things you should consider before you jump and decide to go right ahead and feed your baby using formula. First, let’s begin with the facts about breastfeeding. The emotional bond, while you are breastfeeding your child is very imperative. There is†¦ Breastfeeding vs. Formula Bottle-feeding Every mother of a newborn baby must make a very personal decision when it comes to how they are going to feed their infant. I was faced with that decision 3 years ago when I had my first son who I named Ethen. It was one of the very hardest decisions I had to make. I had to consider all the good benefits of breast feeding as well as the benefits of formula bottle-feeding, but the good benefits of breastfeeding outnumbered the bottle feeding ones. I finally†¦ society, there has been an ongoing controversy towards breastfeeding verses bottle feeding. Acker (2009) reports that, through recent public health efforts contemporary mothers in the United States have learned the slogan â€Å"Breast is Best.† A preponderance of medical literature finds that breastfeeding is a cost-effective way to improve the health of infants and children. These beliefs have also lead to some believing; everyone knows that breastfeeding is the only way to feed an infant. Imagine you are†¦ In the past mothers depend greatly on breastmilk as the best way of feeding babies. With the advancement in technology and daily hassles, mothers turn to either breastfeed for a couple of months, then formula feed their babies. Every mother has the right to decide whether to breastfeed or bottle feed, this personal right will be supported no matter the decision. However, exclusive breastfeeding is the best thing a mother can give to her baby for the first six month of the baby’s life. This is because†¦

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing Campaign for Ocean Spray Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Marketing Campaign for Ocean Spray - Essay Example This mechanism which was coined by Crown Holdings Inc, had reduced the effort which was required to pen the jar. The appearance of the new lid is somewhat similar to the normal twist lid. The survey conducted found that Orbit lid was much easier to open than a normal jar out of the 100 respondent 85 of them considered it to be ‘much easier’ (Packaging World, 2012). therefore this was proved that the open lid would satisfy the customers and would provide an easy way to access he bottles. According to an article, the market has opened wide for easy open cans. With several new and modified new styles, companies are providing the customers with more convenient choices of their meals. As per the can manufacturer institute, the can shipped for human food consumption has exceeded about 25billion per year. Recent survey has revealed that in US more than 70% of the consumers eat few meals which are on the run each week (Wiemer, 2005). Recommendation Based on the innovation and th e rate of acceptance the company has decided to participate in the Christmas Exhibition to be held in London. Before participating in the exhibition, it is necessary to promote or to generate awareness in the mind of the customers about the new product. So at the initial stage promotional campaign such as advertisements would be aired in some channels mainly in food channels to generate awareness. The advertisements would also run on the other channels which are the most viewed channels by the mid level age groups, this is because the product is mainly aimed at the mid age level and the survey was also conducted on the women who belong to the age group of 40 plus. Therefore running advertisements would help them to know about the new re-launch of the product... Based on the innovation and the rate of acceptance the company has decided to participate in the Christmas Exhibition to be held in London. Before participating in the exhibition, it is necessary to promote or to generate awareness in the mind of the customers about the new product. So at the initial stage promotional campaign such as advertisements would be aired in some channels mainly in food channels to generate awareness. The advertisements would also run on the other channels which are the most viewed channels by the mid level age groups, this is because the product is mainly aimed at the mid age level and the survey was also conducted on the women who belong to the age group of 40 plus. Therefore running advertisements would help them to know about the new re-launch of the product with an easy open lid allowing them to easily open the jar. In addition to the advertisements, hoarding and bill boards will add on to the promotional activity. A big banner, situated in the peak are a would allow consumers to look at it and know about its re launch. The exhibition is also a big platform to re launch the product. There are thousands of people visiting the exhibition, thus making the avenue attractive would provide success for its target people.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Civil War Railroads Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Civil War Railroads - Research Paper Example To a greater scale, the Civil War marked the first and successful militarization by utilizing the railroads and resulted in a continental scale conflict. In addition, the Civil War contributed to the invention and use of conventional weaponry that included machine guns and artillery and to top up, railroad weapons1. This paper explores the role played by the Civil War Railroads. The impact of railroads on operations Railroads played a role in facilitating logistical support during the Civil war, for armies while on the other hand, they proved significant in advancing the economies of warring nations. In essence, railroads influenced operations during the Civil War by enhancing mobility of armies in terms of transporting troops and other supplies. Railroad technology improved the production of weapons since, it provided a means of transporting large loads, efficiently2. The strategy adopted by the Union arm entailed an effective logistical operations that would replenish supplies and a sophisticated means of transport that, enable a rapid shift of troops to critical locations. As a result, an extensive railroad system allowed the Union soldiers to transport more soldiers that was impossible without a railroad network. Compared to the Southern army, the Northern army received more supplies as a result of controlling over 30,000 miles of railroad in America. In other situations, locomotives served the purpose of reconnoiter and enhanced the process of gathering information related to the enemy troop disposition. In addition, the mobility of locomotives, provided an effective means as courier vehicles for commanders rushing intelligence information to their headquarters. The railroad provided a rapid communication service and played an important role in terms of gaining advantage against frequent raids on telegraph lines that characterized the Civil War3. The railroads further enabled locomotives to operate as rams where, troops used these locomotives to destroy en emy train and railroad facilities. The railroads also enabled troops to launch modified cars that were set on fire to destroy bridges used by opponents. On another note, freight trains during the Civil War, served the purpose to deceive the enemy by running a train back and forth within one location. This tricked scouts into giving false information about opponents reinforcing their positions while, the trick acted as a cover for troops leaving an area. The railroad further revolutionized warfare and operations as a result of the introduction of railroad monitors that transported a large contingent of infantrymen. The rail monitors, increased fire power and improved the troop’s capacity to combat the invading enemy. However, the railroads on the other hand, impacted negatively on operations as a result of fierce completion that existed among railroad owners. Further, the maintenance of the rail lines, and including the trains presented a hurdle to owners. As a result, the rai lroads begun to experience difficulties because of a lack of new parts to replace the worn out parts. This affected the speed of locomotive that dropped to almost 10miles an hour from averagely 25 miles an hour. Fuel too, became an issue and especially, for the southern locomotives that relied heavily on wood. The strategy by the Confederate government to conscript skilled railroad workers into military also impacted on

Monday, August 26, 2019

Compare and Contrast General Systems Theories Research Paper

Compare and Contrast General Systems Theories - Research Paper Example The description of a system as a set of interacting units that establish relationships among themselves is the basic unifying factor in the general systems theories. Various theorists have come up with systems theories, prominent among them: Murray Bowen with the family system theory, Ervin Laszlo with his natural systems theory and James Grier Miller with his general living systems theory (Skyttner, 2005). The similarities observed in these three theories are evident, and the contrasting figures can be drawn across the general theories whose bases are of dire importance to sociologists, therapists and scholars of human behaviors. The contrasting figures lie in the specifications and the discussions presented in the three theories depending on the argument and concepts presented by each developer. Millers living systems theory explains how living things work, develop, change and ensure maintenance. The concepts of living things being open and able to interact with the environment for ms the basis of Miller’s argument which he says is through information and exchanges of energy. He points out that living beings are simple or complex in structure but despite this they depend on each other for survival. He presents twenty subsystems that he calls processes that living beings depend on to ensure continuity of generations and for survival some of which deal with material and energy for metabolism in the system. He claims that life is a process, and life ends when the processing of information, material and energy comes to an end. Miller claims that living systems form eight levels of complexities from the simplest which is the cell to the largest and most organized. The interaction of the components of the system creates a whole new emergence of characteristics of the system. The eight levels include cells, organs, organisms, groups, organizations, communities, societies, and supranational systems, each of which contains twenty subsystems which process matter- energy or information for use within the system (Bertalanffy, 2003). He argues that the first two process matter-energy and information, the next eight process only matter- energy, and the last term processes information only. The aspect of living beings being able to interact with their environment and with each other is in theory to emphasize that the components of the system extend to the hierarchy of the levels. For instance, the cells and organs functionality depends on the functioning of the whole organism, and the organism depends on the ability of the cells and organs to operate properly (Skyttner, 2001). The natural systems theory by Ervin Laszlo encompasses organized entities that have various divisions each of which cannot exist on their own. He argues that systems are wholes, and in order to understand their properties, they must be viewed in the wholesome nature. The natural systems by Laszlo share four similar properties that are among the social, biological and physi cal entities of a system. He says that all natural systems are wholes, maintaining themselves in a changing environment and create themselves in reaction to self- creativity in different systems. Therefore, in order to understand nature, we need to first have self-understanding and bring forward examples of origins, culture life and matter. He examines the concept of equilibrium and how individuals try to maintain balance in their daily life activities and brings out an aspect of biological evolution. Laszlo claims that genome,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Civilian Conservation Corps Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Civilian Conservation Corps - Research Paper Example With the value of stocks plummeting, numerous Americans faced the possibility of living in poverty. Furthermore, a huge number of employees were laid off (Otis 3). Facing harsh difficulties like diseases, poverty, and hunger, numerous Americans became more and more hopeless and anxious in the 1930’s. Various suggestions for beating the depression were given. However, President Herbert Hoover, who strongly embraced the principle of laissez-faire, chose to forgo government intervention. Hence, millions of Americans were already jobless by 1932 (Pasquill 28). It was immediately before the forthcoming election that the dynamic and vigorous Franklin Delano Roosevelt completely took part in politics and lifted up the hopes of the American people. He was a remarkable orator and activist and most of all, an honorable and dependable man that the American people had faith in. Numerous conservation projects were initiated throughout the Great Depression, to generate jobs for the jobless. President Franklin Roosevelt established the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in 1933 as a component of the New Deal plan. The CCC recruited jobless young males for public conservation tasks and offered training and jobs. This research paper discusses the purpose and outcome of the Civilian Conservation Corps. ... rk, not interfering with normal employment, and confining itself to forestry, the preservation or soil erosion, flood control and similar projects† (Otis 6). The president believed that paid employment was more desired than dole out. He could also help jobless people get out of harmful environments and enhance their physical and spiritual wellbeing: â€Å"We can eliminate to some extent at least the threat that enforced idleness brings to spiritual and moral stability. It is not a panacea for all unemployed but it is an essential step in this emergency† (Pasquill 1). Moreover, the project was a specific answer to the worries of officials about the risks of inactive, unemployed youths. These officials claimed that if they make these young males occupied with tasks, it would discourage these young males from getting involved in criminal activities. It seems successful, as several authorities attribute the lowering of crime rates to the CCC (Pasquill 1-3). Recruitment and o rganization were easy. Eligible CCC aspirants have to be unmarried men between ages 18 and 25. Past that, they simply had to be healthy and unable to get by without a job. Roughly 250,000 CCC workers were organized in camps (Otis 10). Unfortunately, keeping these recruits became more difficult. The young males were maintained on a volunteer status. If they felt that the job was not suited for them, they would simply run off (Otis 13). Desertion was a major difficulty. The U.S. Army was tasked to construct and supervise the camps that accommodated the CCC workers. Life in the camps was highly organized. The CCC workers are roused by trumpet calls every morning, and the workers had to form a line and be on the dot for meals. The CCC started providing education courses in these camps by 1932 (Sanders 38).

Vessel traffic services (VTS) & coastal surveillance system (CSS) Essay

Vessel traffic services (VTS) & coastal surveillance system (CSS) - Essay Example International Maritime Organization (IOM) defines Vessel traffic services (VTS) â€Å"as a service implemented by a competent authority designed to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment. The service should have the capability to interact with the traffic and to respond to traffic situations developing in the VTS area† (Paine, n. d. p.3). Functions of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) The main function of a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is to provide active monitoring and navigational advice for vessels in particularly congested and busy waterways hence it enhances safety of life and property and optimizes the marine traffic flow. Except this Vessel Traffic Services Protect the environment by early detecting the leakage or spillage of any pollutant material Enhance efficiency of vessel movements and port marine resources Provide information to the concerning authorities about movements of ships carrying hazardous or noxious cargo onboard. Provide Search and Rescue assistance Classification of Vessel Traffic Services Vessel Traffic Services are classified either on the basis of surveillance or location. On the basis of surveillance VTS are classified into two classes. These two classes are Surveilled and Non-surveilled. According to US Cost Guard Navigational Center (2005), ‘surveilled systems consist of one or more land-based sensors (i.e. radar, AIS and closed circuit television sites), which output their signals to a central location where operators monitor and manage vessel traffic movement. ... The system which provides the monitoring and navigation assistance while entering or leaving a port, when sailing through waters or along the rivers is called as Harbor (or Port) Vessel Traffic Services System. Costal VTS mainly concerned with maritime trafficking passing through a particular cost line (SOLAS Ch V-Regulation, n. d.). VTS and VTSMIS The primary purpose of a VTS (as defined by IALA) is to provide active navigational and monitoring advice i. e; to give a clear, concise, real-time picture of vessel traffic movements at ports and in deep waters, hence to avoid any collision incident. In changing global scenario as economic factors have received priority the trade and ties are rapidly increasing. Consequently vessel traffic across the globe is increasing. Therefore the sever conditions of competition, unregulated use of sea space and asymmetric threats stimulate the increase risks, violations of legal norms and constant necessity of critical services at sea (Dereliev, 2004 pp.115-116). Hence to fulfill the wide range of applications VTS employs a variety of hardware and software modules that collect, integrate, assess and display sensor data in a manner that provides a comprehensive representation of the vessel traffic situation to VTS operators (NORCONTROL IT AS, 2005). This enhanced Vessel Traffic Services System along with traffic planning and screening tools is called Vessel Traffic Management and Information System (VTMIS). VTMIS System Architecture VTMIS is capable of doing all type of surveillance activates. It employs a variety of hardware and software modules that collect, integrate, assess and display sensor data in a manner that provides a comprehensive

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Role of Competitive Intelligence on Google Essay

The Role of Competitive Intelligence on Google - Essay Example nce at Google Advantages of Competitive Intelligence The main objective of competitive intelligence is to identify new opportunities and potential threats that lie ahead. It tries to detect and counter the threat from competition. Competitive intelligence aims to remove or reduce the surprises and therefore tries to develop and enhance the competitive advantage. Globalization along with access to the huge databases and the realization of the new type of competitor and business opportunities has also led to the advancement in the competitive intelligence. Therefore, competitive intelligence keeps the companies ahead of their competitors and therefore opens new horizon for them (All Hands Business Solutions, 2009). The figure below explains the competitive intelligence cycle which begins with planning and ends at diffusion of the information at the organisation. Source: (Quoniam, n.d.). When the data is gathered from numerous sources, it is evaluated in order to identify the competitor ’s strategies as well as future directions. The main objective of the CI is to make informed marketing as well as strategic decisions through which gaining strategic advantage and reduction of the risk is possible (College of Business and Public Policy, 2011). It is worth mentioning that when a company has detailed information and knowledge regarding the product/ services of its competitors, the company is likely to gain advantage that will assist it in planning the best strategies and therefore enhance the overall profitability and market share (The University of New York, 2011). The main result obtained from the competitive intelligence is its capability to prepare forward-looking decisions. Hence, it can be stated that it is through competitive intelligence that the companies are...When the data is gathered from numerous sources, it is evaluated in order to identify the competitor’s strategies as well as future directions. The main objective of the CI is to make inf ormed marketing as well as strategic decisions through which gaining strategic advantage and reduction of the risk is possible (College of Business and Public Policy, 2011). It is worth mentioning that when a company has detailed information and knowledge regarding the product/ services of its competitors, the company is likely to gain advantage that will assist it in planning the best strategies and therefore enhance the overall profitability and market share (The University of New York, 2011). The main result obtained from the competitive intelligence is its capability to prepare forward-looking decisions. Hence, it can be stated that it is through competitive intelligence that the companies are capable of making strategic decision making as well as that of market leadership. Disadvantage or Potential Pitfalls of Competitive Intelligence As per the views of Malhotra (1996), its main goal is to collect pertinent information which is valid and accurate. Inaccurate information may endanger organisation’s competitive intelligence efforts. The other significant drawbacks of competitive intelligence are that there may be illustrations of fake confirmation where a significant source of data may tend to confirm the records received from other sources.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Export-Led Growth Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Export-Led Growth Model - Essay Example China’s model is rooted in the double transition of demographic and structural transformation. China economy has tremendously managed the double-digit growth rates from the period when it began economic transformation. This enabled the country to move from a planned to a mixed economy where the market plays the significant roles in resource allocation. Thus, despite the political, social and economic problems associated with the rapid growth in China economies, export-led growth has tremendously enabled China to increase their profitability levels, balance their finances, exceed their debts and trigger their export growth rate.Export-led growth model have been successful in many economies that employ this model for creating economic transformation. The export-led model is significant because it has enabled many economies to increase their profitability levels, balance their finances and exceed their debts. China has benefited from the export-led model since they started using it because this model has enabled them to increase their profitability levels. China was ranked the second largest economies that have emerged and improved in terms of economic performance in the global market. This model has not only enabled them to increase their profitability level but also to balance their finances; thus enabling China to emerge as the successful economies in Asian markets.It has also triggered export growth rate in the China market; thus creating higher export levels.... This model has not only enabled them to increase their profitability level but also to balance their finances; thus enabling China to emerge as the successful economies in Asian markets. It has also triggered export growth rate in the China market; thus creating higher export levels in a rising spiral cycle. For instance, the GDP (Gross Domestic Products) in China market expanded by 2%, in the year 2012 and indicated in figure 1 below. Historically, the GDP average rate was 2.06% from 2011 and the record indicated the 1.50 % low in 2012 as indicated in figure1 below. China is one of the second economies after the United States that has improved their export rate in the global market. China has varied industries that export multiple products to diverse countries across the globe. The rise of population growth rate has enabled them to improve their economic performance because of rich markets because of both rich markets both in the domestic and the international markets. For instance, the National Bureau of Statistics of China reveals that the GDP for the China economy was 51,932.2 billion in the year 2012; thus contributing to economic expansion of 7.9 percent. Figure 1: GDP Growth Rate in China markets The implementation model of export-led growth has significantly contributed to increased rapid growth in the China markets. For the last three decades, China economy has grown to the average rates, which exceed 9%; thus, it is widely admired by other nations (Razmi 2008, p. 1). Furthermore, the growth has been accompanied by the reduction levels in poverty; thus enabling the China market to be ranked among the leading and emerging economies in the Asian nations. However, the trajectory of rapid growth in China has created political, social made

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Horrid Memory Essay Example for Free

A Horrid Memory Essay My sweaty palms ran through-out the thin strands of my hair as I tried to comfort myself for just a single moment. I felt scared, almost terrified as the screams of my nightmare echoed in my ears and made my head throb. Almost never did I have such vivid dreams, and when I did, I never remembered them the next day. Nevertheless, I dont think that Ill ever be able to make amends with my darkest memories and reliving situations that scarred my childhood and eventually my life, can never be forgotten. All I can do is go back and ask what this version of myself could have done to avoid or even confront the situations and events. Around me, there were four chairs, each one with a primary colors: blue, red, green and yellow, around the circular, light wooden table, and of course, I was in one of them. In front of me, was my mother, who had a slim and petite figure, dark brown hair, as well as matching brown eyes and tanned skin; she was feeding the birthday girl, who was a 1 year toddler. Next to me was my six year old sister, and she had pale skin with orange colored freckles, almond shaped eyes and chestnut hair. On the right side of the table, was my stepfather, who was visibly, a few drinks from drunk, and you could notice it by the scent coming out of his mouth and his blood shot eyes. He was also pale, freckles everywhere and bold eyes that made little statement thanks to his glasses. I was about thirteen years old, and I can still recall the smell of a hot and cheesy plate of macaroni, and each bite that I took of it was better than the one before. But I was so focused in my delicious food, that I hadnt realized the silence that crept over the entire table. Feeling like there was an absence of a healthy family conversation, I tried to create a conversation â€Å"So.. What did you guys do today? † I said, feeling my eyes were full of excitement and content, food always had that effect on me. Four pairs of eyes were staring at me, and I began to drop my fork as I saw my stepfather placing a knife against his five-o-clock shadow. Everyone in the table stared at him, and I immediately started to feel uncomfortable. â€Å"Is it true what Isabel told me? † His voice was cold, dark and had a sense of hidden humor, it felt like a horror movie. Our eyes then shifted towards Isabel, my little sister, and she looked like she had just fallen into a hole and had no idea how to get out of it. â€Å"She told me that you guys didnt love me, you guys didnt want me. † He spoke once again with the same tone, and at first, I thought he was joking, so I laughed but then I was rewarded with a deadly glare, which let me know that he wasnt joking. The air around the room got thin, and I could feel the walls trying to suffocate me. My mom, knowing he was drunk, had an annoyed expression planted on her face. â€Å"No, we never said that, now finish up your plate. I think its time for you to go to bed. † She usually had pretty low tolerance with drunk people, and her husband was no exception. I think that the only one that wasnt in tension, was my 1 year old sister, Dianelle because she couldnt understand dialogue, what we were saying. He shoved the plate from the edge of the table, and soon after, I heard it smash against the ground. After being well aware about what was going to happen next, I took Dianelle into my arms and let my mother handle the situation before I said anything that would make him angrier. Nelson, my stepfather, got up from his chair and went to the kitchen cabinets to get something and when he turned around, he had a jalapeno mixed with DonQ spice in his hand. â€Å"You know what happens when you lie to me? You get jalapeno in your mouth. † He must have been mentally sick, because he was actually laughing. As a result of the emitted screams, yells and pleading for him to stop, the police came and took him away, right after he took out the butcher knife. In those three months that he wasnt around, it had probably been the most peaceful moments that my mother and my sisters spent together, we were even closer. The house was calm, the flowers smelled better and I didnt feel in danger or threatened while he was gone. But he eventually came back, and my mom accepted him, with the excuse of a face that he always made, opening his eyes widely and puckering his lips, trying to make a puppy dog face and he always got everyone to laugh. Ive learned that no matter how much you love someone, theyre never worth hurting the rest of the people around you, that love you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Relationship between Substance abuse and Criminal Behaviour

The Relationship between Substance abuse and Criminal Behaviour Substance abuse in adolescents is a serious problem that can lead to deviant acts that create problems in adulthood. Mental problems that develop from substance abuse and drug issues may be one of the factors that affect human behaviour in society. Substance abuse and criminal behaviour in adolescents, and later in adulthood, is affected by the environment setting in which they were raised. Parental influence is the main factor that causes teenagers to use drugs and alcohol, ultimately, causing many other problems associated with it. Factors such as negative issues with family and friends is a disadvantage for teenagers because they do not have the support that they need and so, they often turn to friends who negatively influence them, causing them to start using drugs and drinking excessively in order to help them cope with their personal issues. Problems increase if they are not able to deal with their drug and alcohol problems. There is direct research that links substance abuse a nd associative problems with negative family issues, the effects of substance abuse and childhood and adolescent problems that may be due to environmental factors. Psychological problems that are associated with substance abuse that could lead to criminal behaviour are part of a series of effects that can arise from drugs and alcohol use. (Bartol 1999) discussed how teens can become so addicted to these substances, that they need them to make themselves feel satisfied with themselves, the persons life is permeated with thoughts of procuring and using the drug, and he or she may resort to crime to obtain it (362). The dangerous drugs, such as heroin can lead to both the youth and adult populations to behave differently. Research has shown that drugs that a youth takes has a direct effect on what kinds of deviant acts they will be more likely to be involved with, the level of juvenile crime closely parallel to the drug use (Blumstein et al.,1986, 55). The severity of the effect of drug and alcohol taken has an impact on the seriousness of the criminal act performed. A connection of certain drugs can effect the type of behaviour because of the aft er effect of the drug, Highest crime rates were found for youths who reported the use of cocaineà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦separating the youths into offender groups based on the seriousness and number of crimes committed showed that even within these relatively homogenous groups, youths who used pills or cocaine had the highest crime rates (55).   This evidence shows that the drugs that adolescents are using has a serious impact on their behaviour . This is due to the negative impression that drugs can make on a person who is not conscious of what they are doing. Also adolescents who are addicted to drugs are more likely to start committing crimes but, this addiction could also affect them later on in a mental capacity, causing them to commit other crimes because they have been able to convince themselves that it is acceptable, through faulty mental processes. Pills, Marijuana, and Cocaine were, in fact, shown as the most dangerous drugs because they showed the highest number of associations related to number of crimes, Youth who used marijuana had overall rates of crime that were three times higheryouths who used pills but not cocaine, in turn had higher crime rates than the users of marijuana or alcohol, particularly for index offenses or drug sales (55). The effects of these crimes may be the consequence of not having anyon e positive to guide these troubled teens through tough times, leaving them unable to cope with their emotions because they are not able to talk to anyone about them. In the absence of positive role models, they are influenced by negative people who tell them that the path of drug and alcohol use is the one that will help them the most. The effects of cocaine allow for a changed state of mind, It has acquired notoriety as the cash drug for crime syndicates, the drug for temporary personal pleasure and unimaginable individual psychological craving (Gullotta Blau, 1994, p.7). This shows that pleasure can be a factor that makes a persons behaviour unpredictable. The effects of how substance abuse can mentally affect adolescents to behave in a certain way might be related to their childhood experiences. The personality that has been shaped in the child has an impact on what they may be like when they grow older. Less adaptable personalities may be the consequence of not having crucial support from friends and parents. Gullota Blau (1994) research showed that childrens negative emotions are associated with the likelihood of using drugs and alcohol, Continuing behavior problem most usually hyperactive, aggressive, and seemingly rebellious activity that reflects poor impulse control; an inability to delay gratification; sensation seeking (16). The problem with behaviour in children is that learning lack of self control is a problem because they do not properly learn what is wrong and right. All the anger that they are not able to channel appropriately leads to negative behaviour in the teen years which is a critical period in their development. During this time, they make important decisions that affect the rest of their lives namely, who they choose to be friends with. The negative result of this decision predicts the negative outcome of being on the street, involved with the wrong people, leading to getting into drug and alcohol trouble, Choosing to associate with drug-using peers and having attitude favorable to use are additional risk factors for any adolescent (16). Allowing these people into their lives can affect their problems. Another factor could be the problem of self-esteem, being friends who are using drugs, they are not being able to find any friends, so they think that it is that they are part of a group, they feel that they are part of something to make them feel better, adolescent may have been prone to frequent antisocial behaviour prior to association with delinquent friends. (Bartol, 1999, p.32). The feeling of being alone can cause an individual to make wrong decisions, Finally, alienation from, nonacceptance of, or outright rejection of the dominant values of the society have been shown to be associated with greater risk of alcohol and other drug-use problems (16). All deviant behaviours that are not easily fixed will be likely to effect future consequences such as problems within their home environments and any crimes that they may commit may intensify in terms of severity. Other factors come into play with the consequence of substance abuse; teens are ultimately harming their own lives, in t he student study, the rates of reported health problems, parasuicides(suicide attempts) and law violations increase with progressive involvement with licit and more especially illicit drug use (KokkeviStefanis,1990,p.116). This shows that there are other factors that are involved and that the victims go beyond the individual and effect the society. Environmental factors and family influence are also big issues that lead to deviant acts because of the family problems that are constantly occurring, incorporating negative stimulus into the childs mind, early on. The most important factor is parental guidance and support. When this is lacking, children do not feel that they are wanted, Membership in a family where there is little warmth, support or positive bonding, and there is parental, nondirectiveness and permissiveness and not adequate supervision (Turner, 1994, p.51). It also has to do with the level of self confidence that they have, but if they have the support they need, they are provided with healthy attitudes. children who are attached to their parents and involved in family activities, whatever they may be are less likely to initiate substance abuse and less likely to associate with drug users. If parents are involved in their adolescents lives in ways such as influencing peer choice and prosocial activities (46). Durin g the teenage years, it is important that reassurance and encouragement is being shown by parents and friends so that they are able to discover themselves, which builds character. Those who are excessive drinkers and drug users show that they do not have a goal and they simply turn to what makes them feel good on a short term basis. When parents show their child hatred, it leads to emotion problems within the relationship. It has been shown that when children are exposed to family problems, drugs and alcohol use by the parents it causes a negative environment. They may also be exposed to drugs and alcohol biologically which effects their growth once they are born, Prenatal drug exposure is a complex phenomenon that must be understood within an ecological context, including the uterine, familial, social, and economic environments in which the fetus, infant, and child develop (Harden, 1998, p.20). With all the factors that the child has to live with while growing up, there is a big probability that they will lack in decision making skills, because the parents are setting bad examples when they use drugs and alcohol as part of their lifestyle, this also effects the parents behaviour toward the children, Having a parent or sibling who abuses alcohol or other drugs. As social learning theory, predicts, adolescents gr owing up in families where drug use is the behaviour that is modeled will have a tendency to adopt that behavior (Turner,1994,p.41). Also, when the parent is not taking responsibility to teach the child, the consequence is seen in negative behaviour, any kind of parental nondirectiveness and permissiveness are risk factors for adolescent drug misuse (41). Parents who are not able to give their children boundaries have a disadvantage because they are unable to teach their children what is right and wrong. Being mistreated at a younger age is also a precursor to the problems that can develop over time. Violence in the household is a definite factor because children can easily absorb information by watching what others are doing and also by being a victim a parental abuse. All these things can directly lead to problems with substance abuse, physical abuse in child hood was significantly related to current illicit drug use in adulthood(Huang et al.,2010, p.95-96). This is the consequence of an unhappy childhood life. It has been shown that parents who use drugs turn their anger on to their children and the outcome is seen in negative child behaviour, cases involving cocaine using parent was reported due to child neglect. In this same study, sexual maltreatment of children by one of the parents. (Harden, 1998, p. 35). This would probably be the same when they reach adulthood and the likelihood of abusing innocent victims and even their own family remains high. Childhood and adolescent psychological problems have been shown with the development of their personality and with the people they were involved with. As they get older, situations get more complicated because they play a more dominant role in society. It is easier for them to get into other kinds of trouble. Serious crimes will be likely to happen, violent predators, i.e. persons reported committing robbery, assault and drug dealing and who had very high crime rates, had extensive histories of drug use (Blumstein et al., 1986, p.56). This links back to the drug use in the teen years when they start to become criminals. The crime history increases as substance abuse increases. There has also been research done with alcohol, demonstrating that the crimes are just as serious with alcohol as they are with drugs, alcohol and homicide are intimately and intricately related phenomena The fact is that most homicide offenders have been drinking or are intoxicated when they kill (ForrestGordo n,1990, p.15). There is also research that shows that drugs, such as heroin, have been associated with crime in adults, study indicate that for each offender group high-cost heroin users had the highest crime rate (Blumstein et al., 1986, p.57). This is another type of drug that they are exposed to. (ForrestGordon,1990) have found that crimes associated with drugs have also been found in those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol, alcohol involvement on the part of the victim is associated with increasing seriousness of injury in assaults, robberies, and rapes (12). This shows that when people who do not get the help that they need, their problems escalate to the point when their deviant acts get worse while they are still incorporating drugs and alcohol into their lifestyle. The effect of drug and alcohol usage has a different effect that leads to explain why adolescents and adults act with uncontrollable behaviour. Criminals who are under the effect of alcohol experience a disruption in the persons thinking, Very often, self confidence increases and the person becomes more daring, sometimes foolishly so (Bartol,1999, p.375). This goes back to (ForrestGordon,1990) research and how alcohol is related to crimes. Since alcohol gives teens self esteem and makes them unafraid of being subjected to situations that provide harsh consequence. This leads to acts of criminal behaviour that was associated with alcohol, assaults, robberies, and rapes. The level of drinking also effect the individual act of how severe it consequences will be. Violence frequently occurs in social situations where drinking is heavy, physiological arousal is high (such as anger), interpersonal conflict is evident, and cognitive processes-especially judgement and abstract reasoning- are impaired (Bartol,1999, p.377). This shows that the emotions and their state of mind is effected by the drinking. The emotion that is incorporated with the drinking is shown that it is correlated with each other, Research in the psychology laboratory also finds strong evidence that drinking alcohol facilitates physical aggression (377). Alcohol not only associates with crime but it also interferes with personal life such as family problems. Drugs that create mental problems can lead to criminal behaviour. There is research findings in drugs such as cocaine and heroin which is related to crime that affects the individuals criminal acts. Cocaine can lead to serious mental problems and other affects that also come along with, a syndrome with many of the psychotic features of the paranoid schizophrenia. This mental problem can alter persons state of mind, which can lead to issues but the correlation between the drug and the crime is not strong, because there is not enough research to support it, no study has shown that stimulants or cocaine facilitate either property crime of violent crime (Bartol,1999, p.370). This does not mean that the research that been discussed with the association of cocaine and criminal behaviour does not exist; there may be other reasons that they were involved in the crime, excluding rape or murder. Even though there was not enough research found that cocaine is not as strongly related to crime, the effects of it should be a red flag indicating that it could be a factor that it is related to crime behaviour, There is generally an elevation of mood, mild euphoria, increased sociability and a belief that one can do just about anything (370). This relates to how alcohol can raise a persons self esteem and they are able to do anything when they are not fully aware of what they are doing. Heroin was used to demonstrate the fact that people who take more intense drugs will commit the most crimes. It is known as a narcotic drug and it has been shown that it highly effects crime, The word narcotics usually provokes intense negative reactions and very often is quickly associated with crime (Bartol,1999, p.371). This links back to the research that (Blumstein et. al, 1986) found how people who used heroin had high crime rates. The effects of heroin has some effects that signal severeness of the criminal act, it is assumed that the heroin user is bizarre, unpredictable, and therefore dangerous (Bartol,1999, p.373). The actions that they are not aware of is a big concerns for how adolescents do things to harm themselves from taking heroin, Research have been shown that the effect of heroin is also that even though the persons can become deviant, the level of drug taken can make the person not as dangerous, However, high doses of narcotics produce sleep rather than the psyc hotic or paranoid panic states sometimes produced by high doses of amphetamines. Therefore, narcotics users rarely become violent or dangerous (373). We should not exclude that the fact that even though some drugs say that they will makes a person drowsy. There are many factors of symptoms that lead to crime, even though there is research that stated people take drugs are not usually dangerous, Research strongly indicates that addicts do not, as a general rule, participate in violent crimes such as assault, rape or homicide (373). Just like alcohol, the negative emotions that (Bartol, 1990) discussed and excessive drinking which leads to criminal acts, which can also be the same with drugs, whether they are going through depression or peer pressure, can be a factor that causes crime to happen. It may not ne just the drug alone. Substance abuse and criminal behaviour is a serious issue because it can harm victims, loved ones and ourselves. If treatment is not available to treat the youth population, it can lead to the next generation of criminals which can increase crime rates. As we can see, the effects of drugs and alcohol does lead to criminal behaviour and the personal aspect of it also tell us that people who are not stable with emotional problems who are not being able to do deal with issues, may place that anger and use violence to deal with their temperament issues. Children who have been witnesses to violence or who have been directly a part of it give way to a predictive factor that they will become deviant individuals because they are negatively influenced by people such as parents and friends because they look up to them as a guides. Even though it is not possible to keep drugs and alcohol out of peoples reach, it is important that adolescents learn the consequences of their addictions.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Birth And Eleven Months Children And Young People Essay

Birth And Eleven Months Children And Young People Essay The control that people have over their bodies is quite remarkable, and yet most people take it completely for granted. Watch a young baby struggling to pass a rattle from one hand to another and you will soon see how skilled you have become. Physical development like many other areas of development is a journey, but interestingly it is a relatively fast one, and by the age of 5 years most children have a good level of control over their bodies. Physical development looks principally at the skills that children acquire, but it is important to understand that there is a link here to growth and maturation. For example, young babies can suck their toes, but this becomes difficult as the bodys proportions change. In the same way some physical development cannot take place until some maturation processes have occurred. Physical development builds childrens confidence when children can do things for themselves, they are more likely to gain in confidence, and they can do things how and when they want. It allows children to express themselves, physical movements are one in which babies and young children can express themselves. Babies may signal with their arms if they wish to be listed .Physical development is also linked to cognitive development, in childrens early stages , a significant amount of learning is practical and requires physical movements, early physical movements also help to develop the brain. To gain control over their movements, children need to master different types of movement and Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 2 Skills. These types of movements are fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills cover small movements that are usually made using the hand, fine manipulative skills are movements that require the fingers and thumbs to carry out co-ordinated small tasks, fine motor skills are movements that involve the wrists and hands. According to Arnold Gessel an American paediatrician the central nervous system underpinned development with stimulation not necessarily having a significant role. He suggested that they are 3principles of physical development 1. Development follows a sequence, as children develop and grow a sequence emerges and certain things have to be in place before others can follow. 2. Development begins at the top at the head and moves downwards, babies gain control of their head and top of the spine before any other part of the body. This is a survival mechanism which allows the baby to feed. 3. development begins with motor movements which are uncontrolled which then become refined and precise, they have uncontrolled arm and leg movements but most control is quickly gained, by 6 months most babies can take an offered toy relatively easily . The first year of life is amazing in terms of physical development, babies begin with a range of reflexes, the reflexes are actions that happen without the baby thinking about them, these are swallowing and sucking reflex -these ensure the babies can feed and swallow milk. Rooting reflex -the baby will move its head to look for a nipple or teat if its cheek or mouth is touched, this helps the baby to find milk. Grasp reflex- babies will automatically put their fingers round an object that has touched the palm of their hand. Startle reflex when babies hear a sudden sound or see a sudden bright light, they will react by moving their arms outwards and clenching their fist. Walking and standing reflex- when babies are Michelle howorth NC36694 Assignment 1 Page 3 Held upright with their feet on a firm surface they usually make stepping movements. Falling reflex- this is known as the Moro reflex babies will stretch out their arms suddenly and then clasp them inwards in any situations in which they feel they are over falling. Over the first few months some of these reflexes begin to disappear and instead babies learn to control their movements, muscle tone also increases and the body grows stronger. By the time babies are one month old they have changed already, they appear less curled up and more relaxed. Babies at one month old have usually started to settle into a pattern, they sleep quite a lot of the time but will gradually try to spend longer time awake. They cry to communicate their needs and parents are beginning to understand the different kind of crys , they start to learn more about their parents : they may stop crying when they hear their voice ; they also try hard to focus on the face of who is holding them (they can focus at a di stance of 20-25cms ).When they get to 3 months they have grown in height and weight , they have grown out of all their early clothes and have changed in many ways, Some babies have learnt the difference between day and night and are able to sleep through the night . They are likely to cry less and most parents are getting better at knowing what their cry means, they are also starting to sleep a little less and are far more alert .They may smile quite often and show that they know the sound of their parents voices and movements .Babies bodies are also developing, they are able to lift their head up and look about when put on their tummies. As a child reaches 6-8 months they have learnt many skills, they are very alert and move their head to see what is happening, they enjoy playing and show it by squalling in delight .They can now reach out and grab a toy and move it from one hand to another, they are able to focus on an object and explore it if it seems interesting .They also start to show that they understand a little of what is being said to them and they try to communicate. They usually enjoy their food and are beginning to feed themselves by grabbing a spoon .They are also getting stronger they can sit up with support in a highchair and are able to roll Michelle howorth NC36694 Assignment1 Page 4 over from their backs to their fronts, they can push themselves up on their hands if they lie on their fronts and hold this position for a while .As they reach 9 month Babys physical development is now very noticeable, many babies will be crawling or finding other ways of being mobile, they are able to sit up without any support; these new movements mean babies can explore more. Children at this age spend a lot of time sitting and playing, when they are mobile they can move quite fast .As well as large objects babies are also picking up objects handling them and becoming more skilled at touching things. Objects still get popped into the mouth. 1.2. Summarise the intellectual development of a child aged eight to twenty months. At this age your childs attention span is beginning to lengthen, he is beginning to develop memory through repeated activity; touching objects made of different textures and materials to see what they feel like provide him to explore different ways of using his hands. He explores and experiments by touching different substances and textures such as different fabrics like velvet and felt which provide soft and hard textures. Babys begin to say there first words such as mamma and dada which are evidence of his cognitive development and the beginning of a fantastic new stage where communication develops into verbal language. As this age he might be able to say a few words such as mamma and dada or simple words which they recognise from parents communication with them but children are quite different, some pick up language fast and others dont, some children dont talk until later into their development. By 20 months they can understand simple requests like pass your bottle. His developin g language may still be restricted to one word at a time and he hasnt quite established putting 2 words together and he may just point at things when he wants them and his vocabulary may vary between 50-100 words. Language development and memory are closely linked and memory are closely linked he will soon begin to realise that language will help him in the world around him, by communicating he will start to learn a few concepts , like tidying up after playing , this helps him take care of his possessions . Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 5 There are different theories of how he gets to these stages theories that look at the way children think and learn are extremely important as they can be applied to so many situations in everyday life .This also means that when Studying other aspects of child development , such as language behaviour management, or aggression you will find that the same terms and theories keep reappearing .Currently learning theories can be grouped into 3 bands The behaviourist approach suggests that learning is influenced by rewards, punishments and environmental factors .The term conditioning is often used by behaviourists, it means that you learn to act in a certain way because past experiences have taught you to do or not to do something. B.F Skinner is recognised as being a key figure in developing the behaviourist approach by learning theory. Skinner suggested that most humans learn through exploring the environment and then drawing conclusions based on the consequences of their behaviour. Jean Piaget was a zoologist who became interested in childrens cognitive development as a result of working on intelligence tests. He noticed that children consistently gave similar wrong answers to some questions and began to consider why this was. Piaget used his own children to make detailed observations and gradually developed a theory that has been very influential. His theory of learning is sometimes referred to as constructive approach because he suggested that children constructed or built up their thoughts according to their experiences of the world around them. He felt that learning was an on-going process with children needing to adapt (hence piagets term adaption).For example a child aged 15 month may come to believe that milk is served in blue beakers , because their experience of having milk is linked with it being served in a blue beaker. If one day they are given juice in the blue beaker instead of milk they will reconsider the theory and thus come to the conclusion that milk and other drinks come in blue beakers. Piaget used specific vocabulary to describe the process of children learning in this way. Assimilation- the child constructs a theory. (Schema). Equilibrium the childs Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 6 Experiences seem to fit the schema (everything balances). Disequilibrium An experience occurs that casts doubts on the effectiveness of the schema. (Things dont add up anymore). Accommodation the child changes the original schema to fit the new piece of experience or information; he grouped child development into 4 broad stages Sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational. Although Piagets work is well known there are 2 other approaches which are in some ways similar to Piagets, Vygotsky Jerome bruners work was influenced by Piaget but particular by Vygotskys work. Bruners is not a stage theory as such but he suggests that children gradually acquire cognitive skills and he refers to these as modes of thinking. Enactive-0-1 years, iconic 1-7 years, symbolic 7+ years. Bruner believed that cognitive development can be speeded up if stimulated, he also believed that adults had a very important role in developing childrens cognitive skills by working alongsid e them and asking questions helping children to vocalise their thoughts. 1.3 Summarise the language and communication development of a child aged 16-26 months. Much of an 18 months old toddlers speech is jargon is unrecognisable but with emotional content. A child at 18 months should be able to use 5-20 words most of which will be nouns. Examples include mamma, dada bath, and nana. At this age when he learns a new word he will repeat it over and over. 20-25 percent of an 18 month olds vocabulary should be intelligible to outsiders; they are learning every object has a name. A babys vocabulary includes things like names of food, animals, family members, clothing and toys. 18 months may be able to point at parts of the body when a parent names it. A childs vocabulary explodes between the 18-24 month marks, maybe 2/3 of what he says is intelligible and his vocabulary may contain 150-300 words. He should be able to name lots of objects in his surroundings like, chair, bottle, and cup Michelle howorth NC36694 Assignment 1 Page 7 He should be able to form small sentences like want cup he will be able to understand the words my and mine. There are quite a few theories as to explain how children Learn language. Theories of language development fall into 1 of 2 camps; empiricist and nativist. Empiricist believes language is a learned behaviour. Nativists on the other hand believe we are born with some innate language ability. Empirical researchers focus on learning theories to understand how children acquire language skills while nativists look for biological components responsible for the universe rules underlying all of the language spoken by people. Lev vygotsky a Russian psychology researcher who began developing his empirical theories of cognitive development after the Russian revolution in the early 20th century. Children learn by solving puzzles with the help of other people such as parents or siblings. Language develops a tool for helping them solve problems more effectively. They learn the skill by prac ticing or modelling language behaviours they hear being used around them.in his theory, language development is closely tied to social behaviour putting him in the empiricist camp. B.F Skinner, an American psychologist best known for his work in behaviourism, proposed behaviourism as the basis for language development in a book published in 1957. The core behaviourism is learning through reinforcement. the reinforcement takes different forms ,for example if the parent says to the child can you say mummy? and the child responds accordingly the parent provides positive reinforcement . If the child uses language to make demands such as asking for a cookie and the demand is granted, the child receives positive reinforcement for using language. This approach places skinner in the empiricist camp of language development. According to empiricist Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist known for studying how knowledge develops in children and adults during the first half of the 20th century, la nguage Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 8 Development is connected to a childs cognitive development. As the child moves through the different stages of cognitive development. For example, during the pre-operational stage children can grasp the existence of things even when cannot see those things, likewise they can use language to think about those non- present things. Naom Chomsky , an American linguist and cognitive scientist believes children are born with innate knowledge of the rules governing language. This makes him a nativist, his research during the late 20th century also suggest that the rules are universal among the known human languages. For example Japanese and English seem very different, but both languages include verbs and in both languages verbs take an object. The difference is where the object of the verb is placed in the sentence. According to Chomsky the reason the children learn language so quickly is because they already know the rules. Jerome Bruner, a nativist and American cognitive psychologist bel ieved language development comes easier to most children because of a combination of innate biological endowments and social encouragement. Bruners research on the subject began in the 1960s. Bruners notes that even children who cannot distinguish between their thoughts and things attempt to use language suggesting they are born with an inclination towards communication. The role of encouragement is to provide necessary support as the child develops linguistically. 1.4 summarise the emotional development of a child aged between 30 and 50 months. A childs emotional development is hard to monitor because self-concept, gender identity and social status are developing as well. The Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 9 Way they behave is usually a clear indicator of what they are dealing with on an emotional level. At this age lessons are being learnt which will form a childs personality, the childs personality as influences on emotional development. Children who are more adaptable will progress a lot faster than children who are far less adaptable, things like meeting new people and being in new environment will be more daunting for them. During this age childrens emotional needs are shown through their behaviour, understanding their needs and dealing with them as necessary will help the childs emotional health as the child progresses. Also during this time every experience the child encounters helps to develop the childs self-concept, spending time with parents and other children will give the child a sense of who he is by emotional interactions and will start to develop his independence. Parents are the best role models the help the child develop his sense of gender identity, as a result of the child studying the parent, emotional characteristics of the parent become a part of the childs gender identity. Frustrations and tantrums in a child this age are very apparent; tantrums occur for no apparent reason but are often due to insecurities and not being able to get what they want. By 3 years old this behaviour will have calmed down and he will be beginning to develop interests in feelings towards other people and is starting to feel a lot more secure in his environment , he can keep his frustrations under control , by the time he reaches 4 he will have developed a definite personality and loves to explore everything new , he has excitement for adventures and can show sympathy and concern towards other children his behaviour might start to become erratic , for example he will like things and hate things in the space of a few minutes , he will exaggerate things and become extremely bossy and may begin to start telling lies. Theorist erik erikkson proposed that emotional devel opment consisted of 8 crisis and that each crisis consisted of a specific window in a childs individual development for example the crisis for this specific age according to Erickson is initiative versus guilt according to errikkson a child should develop a sense of purpose by being able to do things on his own , such as dressing himself , if a child is not allowed to do this the child may become afraid to try new things and develop a fear of disapproval. 1.5 Summarise the social development of a child aged between 40 and 60 months. At this age a child interacts with other children very easily but only usually in a small group or with familiar adults. they are beginning to make massive leaps in socialisation which helps them develop a lot more friends .they dont need as much attention from adults because they understand that attention is there when needed. They will show friendship preferences but mainly based on play interests. Children will also now be aware of their own social backgrounds and strive to be accepted for who they are. They understand the difference in culture and gender and enjoy making friends and love being in the company of others. there confidence is building and they begin to understand the concept of sharing and taking turns and also begin to understand the difference between right and wrong. Lev vygotsky proposed that children thrive through interactions with their surrounding culture is theory is known as the cultural perspective in this theory it states that cognitive development of ch ildren is enhanced when they work in their zone of proximal development (zpd). Children need help off adults to support them as they learn new things to reach (zpd). According to vygotskys theory children can do more with the help and guidance of an adult than they can do themselves. In conclusion vygotskys theory of cognitive development states that interactions with other people are essential for maximum cognitive development to occur. 1.6 Analyse treasure baskets and discuss importance of child development. Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 12 Treasure baskets an idea originally created by Elinor Goldschmeid. A treasure basket is a shallow sturdy basket containing a selection of everyday items, none of which are plastic. Most of the objects are in everyday use by adults and are made of natural materials. The item in the basket vary in weight, size and texture, colour, taste temperature and sound and all the items are chosen to stimulate one or more of 5 senses. Children explore the treasure basket using their senses to discover what an object is, what it is like and perhaps what it does when shaken or manipulated. Children learn by exploration and experience a treasure basket brings many items within reach that a child may not have had the opportunity to handle. A child can feel items with their hands, feet, fingers and mouth, by having this opportunity a child discovers weight, texture and size. Does it have a smell? Can you taste it? Wave it does it make a noise? Drop it and what happens? Can I put it inside another obje ct? Can I join 2 items together? What happens when I bang one item against the other? Elinor Goldschmeid spent time observing children and their parents she looked at how children gain knowledge of the world around them and how parents often give children objects to explore. For example, if when out, a child or baby gets upset, we often give them something to play with that is to hand a makes a noise or can be fiddled with, such as a bunch of keys. When we are busy in the kitchen a child sitting on a floor will often reach for the spoon we have dropped or the pots and pans in the cupboard. These observations led Elinor goldschmeid to the development of the treasure basket as a way of helping children to learn, explore Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 13 And have fun. Treasure basket ideas were originally designed for babies who were sitting but not yet on the move. The basket is a good exploratory resource for babies and children who are not yet independently mobile babies given safe, Stimulating and supportive opportunities will use their senses to learn about objects they encounter. In doing so they will enter into a world of discovery puzzlement, social encounter and communication. As babies suck, grasp, touch and feel objects they rehearse behaviours which foster their earliest learning (Goldschmeid E 1989). The reason they dont use plastic in the treasure baskets is that many objects made of plastic are similar in many ways , they are often all smooth, have no smell and no taste. In our manufactured world adults and babies use plastic objects every day and a child gains experience of these objects through handling bottles, cups, toys and rattles. By offering a whole range of objects which are not plastic we increase the opportu nities for a child to explore and learn. The items contained in the baskets fall fewer than six headings. Natural objects e.g. pumice stone, a lemon and a natural loofah Natural materials e.g. little basket, wooden nail brush and a paint brush. Wooden objects e.g. curtain rings, clothes pegs and egg cups Metal objects e.g. spoons, bunch of keys, and bunch of bells. Leather, rubber, textiles e.g. leather purse, bath plug and chain, ribbon and lace. Paper/cardboard greaseproof paper, boxes, tubes. More objects that can be put in the basket are objects that rattle, objects that fit inside one another, such as boxes and pegs or graded measuring spoons, Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 14 building and demolition articles which fit together and take apart, such a wooden blocks, zipped leather purse, a box with a lid, also objects to follow such as wooden eggs, balls and tubes that roll. When choosing a treasure basket there are plenty of points to consider, such as the safety of the basket, you need to make sure that you choose a basket which is strong and durable, without jagged edges and the objects should be washable, disposable and replaceable. For example pieces of fabric. Each object should be clean and safe, always check the basket regularly and be watchful of painted and varnished items, check they are non-toxic and if any doubts do not include them. you may also need to maximise play opportunities you need to aim for a variety of textures ,weight and colour and also be wary of including soft toys as their information and interest value can be limited . Also needed to be considered is where to place the basket in relation to the child. For example would the chi ld find it easier to reach in front or at the side? The child needs to be observed how he interacts with the basket. Do you need to offer more objects for him to explore. How can you make it more interesting? Is there an object the child doesnt like? Children all develop at different rates with regard to exploration be aware of the stage the child is at. Treasure basket ideas can also be adapted for children who are not sitting. Items can be put in a be active box or a little room or suspended from a play gym. The little room is an idea developed by Lilli Neilson for children with sensory difficulties. You can make a little room from a cardboard box, place the box down on its side with the child lied just inside the opening, line the sides with textured materials and suspend objects from the ceiling so that they hang down within the childs reach. 1. 7 Explain what is meant by holistic development Michelle howorth NC39964 Assignment 1 Page 15 Holistic development is when all areas of development e.g social, emotional, physical and intellectual and communication development, work as a whole to develop the childs overall development. Holistic development sees the child as a whole person thats why its important when you observe a childs development so you can observe it as a whole so you can see what progress is being made (or not being made). A good example of this is to observe a child playing hopscotch as this uses all areas of development combined together. Children must be able to understand to take their turn and must cope with their feelings if they do not win. This is personal, social and emotional development. The child must also be able to understand what is happening and understand the rules of the game and be able to count, this is cognitive development. The child must be able to throw a stone, have strength in their legs to support their weight and also be able to balance and have sufficient coordination, this i s physical development and finally the child needs to be able to say numbers out loud, arrange turns and be able to chat whilst waiting for their turn, this is communication and language development. If a child lacks in one of these areas of development he may struggle to play hopscotch, so observing the child as a whole can help practitioners or parents give the child support in the areas he lacks ability.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Literature - A Mirror Of Society :: essays research papers

The literature of a country is affected and influenced by how the people of that country live. This paper will prove that The French Revolution greatly influenced 19th Century French Romanticism. First, the cultural values of the revolution will be identified. Then, the different aspects of Romanticism will be presented. The cultural values of The French Revolution and Romanticism will then be linked. Finally, literary examples will be shown to support this connection between the two movements. Before the Revolution, the citizens of France lived in a strict, confined society with no freedom to express their feelings. Government had imposed strong, unfair laws on the common people (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia â€Å"French Revolution†). They wanted a voice in a stable government with a strong economy (Johnson 105) and a strong sense of individuality and independence within the people. (Moss and Wilson 180) Eighteenth- century literature was much like the society in which it was produced, restrained. Society was divided into privileged and unprivileged classes, (Leinward 452) with Eighteenth- century writers focusing on the lives of the upper class. (Thompson 857) These writers followed â€Å"formal rules†(Thorlby 282), and based their works on scientific observations and logic (Thompson 895). The Revolution gave the common people and writers more freedom to express feelings and stimulated them to use reason. According to Thompson, The Revolution â€Å"had a major impact on Nineteenth- Century European Life.† (895) It sent a strong wave of emotion and revival throughout France (Peyre 59). This lead to new laws and standards for the citizens, including newer, less imposing literary standards. Romanticism marked a profound change in both literature and thought. Romanticism, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is defined as â€Å"a literary movement (as in early 19th century Europe) marked especially by an emphasis on the imagination and emotions and by the use of autobiographical material.† Although this may be true, there is no single commonly accepted definition of Romanticism, but it has some features upon which there is general agreement. First, it emphasized upon human reason, feeling, emotion, and expression (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, â€Å"Romanticism†) while emphasizing the love of nature, beauty, and liberty. (Leinward 528-529) Thompson defines Romanticism as â€Å" a major literary and cultural movement† that was inspired by the imaginations, inner feelings, and emotions of the Romantics. (895) If one term can be used to describe the forces that have shaped the modern world, it is Romanticism. (Peyre, 2) Romanticism has had such a profound effect on the world since the late 18th century that one author has called it â€Å"the profoundest cultural transformation in human history since the invention of the city.† (Compton’s Encyclopedia, â€Å"Romanticism†) Harvey and Heseltine state that â€Å"The outstanding characteristic of 18th-century French literature had been attached to

Deviant Behavior Essay -- Sociology Sociological Psychology Essays

Deviant Behavior Deviant behavior refers to behavior that does not conform to norms, does not meet the expectations of a group of a society as a whole. After birth, children begin to experience situations with others. They are taught what he or she should and should not do, what is good or bad and what is right or wrong. Learning habits that conform to the customs and traditions of the groups into which the child is born develops a system of values. These values provide justification and motivation or for wanting to refrain from behavior that is disapproved. After reading this, one can see how a behavior is considered deviant, but the question is, â€Å"Why is a certain type of behavior considered deviant?† This paper will take a particular deviant behavior, which is illicit drug use, and examine why this type of behavior is labeled as deviant. By using theoretical approaches, this paper will provide the reader an explanation of why illicit drug use occurs in the first place. Throughout history, all human societies have used drugs, but it hasn’t been until recently considered deviant behavior. Drug use was seen only as a personal problem, but today’s societies, in general, condemns drug use. There are many reasons for this perception of drug use in our society today. It’s stated that â€Å"since a social process creates standards for deviance, consumption of a particular drug becomes deviant only when individuals and groups define it a such† (Clinard and Meier, 2001). This is seen in new laws and legislation against drug use, making drug use, seen by society, as wrong and criminal. This causes public opinion to look at drug use as deviant because the norms of society have been changed. These new laws were passed by legislation because of the common myth that drug use is the cause of bigger problems of society. Society is given the belief that drug users posses certain characteristics which include â€Å"low self-esteem, social incompetence, inadequate identity, easily influenced by peers, and irresponsible or mindless† (Moore and Saunders, 1999). This tells society that only troubled people use drugs. This common belief holds that people using drugs necessarily have personal problems and lack social skills, which then in turn, threatens personal health and morality to societies well being. Also, medically, reference to elicit drug use is considered drug abuse. T... ...s of drug use as very negative because mostly of the formal sanctions powered by the legislature. The media portrays the stereotypes of the type of people who use drugs and this only helps fuel societies approach in dealing with illicit drug use. Society in general needs to refrain from looking at drug use as negative, but look at it as a norm for human beings. Until drug use is seen as a norm, the media and politician will still see that all drug use is a problem, and considered it deviant. Study that would help this issue would be if drug use has any positive benefits that people who abstain from drugs do not receive. Works Cited: 1. Akens, Ronald. 1998. Social Learning and Social Structure: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance. Boston: Northeastern University Press. 2. Becker, Howard. 1963. Outsiders: Studies in Sociology of Deviance. New York: The Free Press. 3. Clinad, Marshall and Meier. 2001. Sociology of Deviant Behavior. Orlanda: Harcourt College Publishers. 4. Goode, Jack. 1994. A Theory about Control. Boulder: Westview Press. 5. Moore, David and saunders, Bill. 2001. â€Å"Youth Drug Use and the Prevention of Problems.† Journal of Drug Issues 13:219-235.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Philosophical Anthropology Essays -- Philosophy Essays

Philosophical Anthropology ABSTRACT: Philosophers cannot avoid addressing the question of whether philosophical anthropology (that is, specifically philosophical inquiry about human nature and human phenomenon) is possible. Any answer must be articulated in the context of the nature and function of philosophy. In other words, philosophical anthropology must be defined as an account of the nature of the subject of philosophical thinking. I argue that if philosophical thinkers admit that they are beings in nature, culture, and history, then the possibility of a uniquely philosophical theory of human nature and human phenomenon should be discarded. Rather, philosophy's catalytic and integrative role in human cognition should be stressed. Anthropological interests on the part of philosophers can be explained on different levels. Since thinking in general is reflective, philosophical thinkers must naturally be interested in understanding the nature of humans, which they themselves are, including the nature of their own thinking. But non-philosophical theorists can also be reflective enough to seek an understanding of human nature and the nature of their characteristic thinking. On a deeper level, with their realization that cognitive functions including philosophical thinking are characteristically human, philosophers may come to reflect upon how such functions are conditioned by human conditions. But such conditions can be addressed by empirical sciences as well, sometimes with greater methodological care or seriousness than can be found among some philosophers, as in cognitive psychology or cultural anthropology. If, in the course of the development of philosophy as a discipline, human experience becomes the primary thematic ... ...y is partly explainable by different influences from outside philosophy. The juxtaposition and comparison of, for instance, the views of Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Marx and Nietzsche on human nature should make us despair of finding a philosophical essence of anthropological views. The distinct contribution that philosophy as a discipline can make to the understanding of humans is not so much special content or even a method as its ethos of valuing critical thinking and integration of human knowledge. Philosophical anthropology, as a special area of a unique discipline, should be held suspect. There only is a dimension to each inquiry where many, if not all, of the questions philosophers raise are significant. The mission of philosophy is to make all human inquiries, including the anthropological, maximally reflective in the given cultural situation.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Analysis and Critique on French Education System

In my opinion, the French education system is faulty and undeserving. Meisler portrays for us in animated detail, the torture that French pupils go through in their schooldays. It is also relatively easy for me to understand this scenario because in my country, India, the scene is strikingly similar. It is also the reason that I am here right now–in the United States getting the benefits of the best undergraduate system in the world–to take home with me the accrual of a â€Å"liberal† education. I find the lack of French students in an American institution surprising. Surely French parents will think and re-think before making a choice between their child†s future and the haughtiness of their country†s culture. Do they really want risk their children to go through a system where the chance of getting the baccalaureate degree is only one in three? What is the point of â€Å"attempting† to get an education? The country†s literacy rate reads ninety-nine percent yet Meisler indicates that two-thirds of France is without a reputed degree. These statistics are unheard of in the rest of the world. Students who do manage to get this degree get celebrity treatment and many go on to become Nobel laureates. Nevertheless, what of those who not make it? They live an obscure life, affected by their failure until their dying day. This also happens to be the reason for France†s contemptuous behavior towards tourists. One often comes across a French waiter or low-level bureaucrat or store clerk behaving defensively as they had done with their teachers, desperately trying to evade disapproval. Fear being their motivation rather than the pursuit of success. French education seemingly preaches that France is the world and that there is nothing beyond. Meisler has pointed out a symbolic example when he says that, in English, people usually try to judge the level of comprehension of the person with whom they are conversing. They then try to adapt to the same wavelength so that the conversation carries on with least difficulty. However, to the French, this is an alien concept. If you cannot speak the perfect grammar that they as children have been taught in medieval fashion, you become an outcast. I think the French have to modify their philosophy and look beyond defining â€Å"education† as â€Å"academics†. There is much more to a complete education than precision of mind, command of language and a huge store of memory. They have to realize that Nobel laureates do not mean much until they are representatives of their entire country. Although France may have had several more Nobel laureates than the United States, it has achieved this at a price. The price of disregarding their â€Å"lesser† citizens. The United States on the other hand has gone the Darwinian way–the process of natural selection–and has let the people discover themselves and bring the best out in them. They have not had them molded to become superior beings–which in my vocabulary reads as â€Å"robots†Ã¢â‚¬â€œwhich in turn is defined in the Webster dictionary as â€Å"an efficient insensitive person who functions automatically. † The French education system is in desperate need of a complete overhaul. Otherwise, their nation is going to lose all of the little importance that they have in the world today because of their immodesty and arrogance. France is and will be nothing more than an angry yapping poodle in the midst of uninterested, lazing bulldogs.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Individual’s values and the corporate values

Value AlignmentIn the following paragraphs team A will provide a brief analysis in regard to the origins and evolution of values at a personal level and in the workplace. The team will explain throughout the paper how an individual’s values can drive actions and behaviors, and the alignment between values, actions and behaviors. The team will include in the mentioned analysis the degree of alignment between Wal-Mart’s stated values, and the company’s plans, and actions. Last the team will explain the differences, between personal values and Wal-Mart’s values as reflected by Wal-Mart’s plans and actions.Origin and EvolutionAccording to sociologists, values are formed during the early years of a person’s life. One sociologist’s research suggested values are formed during four periods. This sociologist, Morris Massey, believed these values originate at pre-birth and continue to the age of approximately 21. The first period begins at pre-b irth and continues through four years, and is considered the basic programming period. During this time, a child is not capable of differentiating between important and not important information so all experiences are absorbed and values are formed. Subsequently, a person’s first job experience, which is usually at about the age of 16 to 18 years, plays a large role in forming workplace values. Without any previous exposure to workplace ethics, his or her first experiences are absorbed without differentiation (Squidoo, 2010).The second stage is the imprint period that takes place up to the about the age of seven. Children continue to absorb information from experiences. They become aware of their environment and culture from family and people they are exposed to and begin  to store this information.This information is imprinted in their minds and begins to form their values from their experiences, which are reflected later in a person’s individual behaviors and actio ns. Similar to the basic period, a person’s first job experiences are absorbed in his or her mind forming their workplace values and behaviors. For example, if a teenager witnesses a manager skimming money from the cash register without remorse, this memory is imprinted in his or her mind. Unless his or her individual values are in place correctly, the unethical behavior displayed to them at an impressionable stage may be carried into future workplace ethics.The next period of forming values happens between the ages of 13 to 18. Labeled the modeling period, a person begins to mirror or model behaviors of other people. A person’s constant exposure to ethical or unethical behavior during this time is often mimicked. According to the Squidoo (2010) website, â€Å"from Massey’s research he suggests that our major values about life are picked up during this period at about age 10† (How Values Are Formed, para. 6).Further, he infers that world happenings and wh ere a person was at the time is a basis for forming values. With the recent state of the United States’ economy over the past few years, it leaves one to wonder the repercussions to workplace ethics. Individual ethics may improve because people will appreciate their jobs and decide to make better decisions in the workplace. Conversely, people may believe they are trapped in their current position and may make poor ethical decisions.Massey’s last period of developing values is the socialization period, which takes place between the ages of 14 to 21. A person develops relationship and social values during this time, and these values are the formation of a person’s core values that usually stays with him or her throughout his or her life. As a person develops these core values individually, a person may develop his or her core workplace values as well, which may stay for a lifetime. People experience many events up to 21, which are pivotal to shaping their values. As people formed their values, the foundation of how they perform as an individual and in the workplace became aligned. During childhood, for example, parents often tell children to do their best in school.That value is imprinted into their personalities and is carried  into the workplace; those children become adults who do their best at work every day. Throughout the periods suggested by Massey, the experiences form our values and become a compass to our actions, decisions, and behaviors, both personally, and professionally. Wal-Mart’s stated values versus Wal-Mart’s plans and actions The authors’ employer shares some basic values with those of Wal-Mart. The employer values the respect of coworkers, diversity, inclusion, providing exceptional customer service, and offering a variety of quality products for a reasonable price. Wal-Mart focuses on being a diverse organization, providing excellent customer service, and providing a variety of good quality produc ts for a reasonable price as well. The organization also shares the valued of volunteering in the community.The focus of the organization is to make the customers happy, so they continue to come back. The degree of alignment between Wal-Mart’s stated values plans and actions show that the company has balanced the two to some extent. Wal-Mart values its customers, and its number one priority is putting the customer first by offering low prices. Wal-Mart also matches its competitor’s prices for customers. Wal-Mart employees are valued and offered career development so they have the opportunity to move to higher positions within the organization. Most of the employees at each level are treated with respect and receive suitable benefits, but sometimes the company loses sight of its stated values’ therefore, its plans and actions do not always follow suit.DifferencesThe differences between an individual’s values and the corporate values depend on the individua l. Corporations design the strategy to align with the culture’s values. For instance, Wal-Mart’s vision â€Å"to become the world’s largest retailer,† so the company has to reflect the values all the time. Developing one vision helps employees to adhere to the corporate values regardless of the local values. Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart says â€Å"Personal and moral integrity is one of our basic fundamentals and it has to start with each of us.† An example is the use of the whistleblowers form available to employees and customers alike. If an employee is found to be violating the corporate policies, another employee may report the  incident without fear of reprisal.Wal-Mart encourages every employee to use Wal-Mart’s Statement of Ethics, introduces the associates to the types of attitudes and conduct that create an honest, fair, and legal workplace (Wal-Mart, 2010). They learn how to recognize situations that may come up on their jo b that could be a violation of Wal-Mart’s ethics, also what to do if they have any questions or concerns about what is correct and ethical conduct. As an individual, knowing what the company will allow should make the job easier to comply with policy. Clear and concise writing allows very little interpretation on expectations of the company. To conclude, team A as provided the readers with a brief analysis of the basic origins and evolution of values at a personal level and workplace values.Team A also explained how an individual’s values can drive actions and behaviors, along with the alignment between ones values, actions, and behaviors. The team was able to briefly analyze the degree of alignment between Wal-Mart’s stated values and the company’s plans, and actions. Last, the team explained the differences, and the degree of alignment between personal values, and Wal-Mart’s values as the values were reflected by Wal-Mart’s plan, and actio ns.ReferencesSquidoo. (2010). Going For Gold-Goal Setting That Really Works. Retrieved from http://www.squidoo.com/GoForGold-GoalSettingThatWorks http://ethics.walmartstores.com/StatementofEthics/MSGfromCEO.aspx